The MEAN Stack

Josh Hamit at Credera
IDS Practice Retreat

Agenda ...
Today, we will discuss the MEAN stack


  • Defining MEAN
  • Why be MEAN
  • Getting MEAN
Why are we talking about MEAN?
  • LeisureLink - Prototyping
  • Advantages to Integrations - Event Driven, Non-blocking I/O
  • Advantages to Data Services - Agile data models, Faster writes
Defining MEAN ...

Defining MEAN

  • Mongo
    • Document Store Database with JavaScript syntax
    • What does this mean?
    • Non-relational - agile data model, faster writes
  • Express
    • Web application framework for NodeJS
    • What does this mean?
    • Idioms, Conventions, and Dependencies - quick prototyping
  • Angular
    • Front-end MVC
    • What does this mean?
    • Idioms, Conventions, and SPA - quick prototyping
  • NodeJS
    • Event-driven, Non-blocking IO App Server
    • What does this mean?
    • Don't wait on threads - keeps CPU busy and memory usage low
Why be MEAN ...
What does this really Mean? MEAN is a tragic hero - what makes it good makes it bad


  • Isomorphic
    • Everything is JavaScript
    • One language to rule them all
    • One language for your team to learn
    • One language for the community to discuss
  • Non-Blocking IO
    • CPU vs. Memory


  • Isomorphic
    • Everything is JavaScript
    • One language to rule them all
    • One language for your team to learn
    • One language for the community to discuss
  • Non-Blocking IO
    • CPU vs. Memory
Why be MEAN ...
JavaScript is an old, freaky swamp monster, but we still need to learn to love it
Why be MEAN ...
It's official, JavaScript is in the enterprise

A sample of enterprises using NodeJS

Why be MEAN ...
There is a learning curve, and then you accelerate
Why be MEAN ...
Mongo writes can be fast
Getting MEAN ...
Node Version Manager makes managing your runtime versions simple
  • nvm install
  • nvm use stable
  • nvm install 0.10
  • nvm use 0.10
Getting MEAN ...
NPM is a package/dependency management tool for NodeJS (back-end)

  • package.json (like a pom.xml)
  • npm install
  • npm install -g
  • npm install --save
  • npm install --save-dev
  • Auto downloaded and bundled - not wired up in express (jars included, but beans not defined)
Getting MEAN ...
Yeoman - The "Easy" button for MEAN Project Startup

The kitchen sink of reasonable default project features

  • Created by Addy Osmani (He's the expert)
  • Angular Fullstack
  • npm install -g yo
  • npm install -g generator-angular-fullstack

  • Scaffolding
  • Grunt
  • Bower
  • JSLint/JSHint
  • LiveReload
  • AutoInjection
  • Image processing
  • Minification
  • UnCSS
  • Deployment - Heroku/OpenShift
  • Unit tests
  • Functional tests
  • Cross-device testing
Getting MEAN ...
Bower is dependency management for your front-end

  • package.json
  • bower install --save
  • bower install --save-dev
  • Auto downloaded, injected, reloaded - not wired up in Angular (front-end jars included, but beans not defined)
Getting MEAN ...
Grunt is the default build tool (Gulp is the up-and-comer)

The Gradle of JavaScript

  • grunt serve
  • grunt
  • grunt buildcontrol:heroku
Getting MEAN ...
Deployment with Heroku

Go live in minutes

Getting MEAN ...
Swagger, Restify, and Express have everything you need to jumpstart your API


Getting MEAN ...
Don't get burned by the flame (graphs)

All this power comes with responsibility - understand your dependencies

Netflix Lessons
Getting MEAN ...
Mongoose Object Document Model (ODM) makes implementing your domain relatively painless

  • Models
  • Nested documents
  • References
  • Populate
  • Middleware
  • Virtuals
  • Methods
What does this MEAN ?..

Defining MEAN

  • Mongo
    • Document Store Database with JavaScript syntax
    • What does this mean?
    • Non-relational - agile data model, faster writes
  • Express
    • Web application framework for NodeJS
    • What does this mean?
    • Idioms, Conventions, and Dependencies - quick prototyping
  • Angular
    • Front-end MVC
    • What does this mean?
    • Idioms, Conventions, and SPA - quick prototyping
  • NodeJS
    • Event-driven, Non-blocking IO App Server
    • What does this mean?
    • Don't wait on threads - keeps CPU busy and memory usage low
What does this MEAN?
  • LeisureLink - Prototyping
  • Advantages to Integrations - Event Driven, Non-blocking I/O
  • Advantages to Data Services - Agile data models, Faster writes